What are iLaw Solutions?
Our iLaw Solutions are legal products have been completely redesigned to enable us to use technology and a streamlined service delivery model, to provide quality fit-for-purpose basic solutions for clients with straight-forward legal requirements. Our iLaw Solutions are delivered at a fraction of the cost of equivalent traditional legal products.
Whilst a fully tailored solution will provide a better result, often the traditional legal service delivery model makes that just too expensive. If affordability gets in the way, a basic but fit-for-purpose solution is better than nothing (let alone dangerous uniformed DIY).
Our iLaw products include:
- MentorLaw Products – free solutions and resources
- Guided DIY – usually part of a structured introductory package solution; and
- iLaw Solutions – a range of traditional legal products delivered through our iLaw process at a much lower cost than traditional legal services
Our full service legal offer is always available where the iLaw product is not sufficient for your needs. Where you start with an iLaw product and upgrade, iLaw costs are credited to the full service fee. That fee will usually be lower as a result of the efficiencies gained by starting through our iLaw process.
We have only developed a few iLaw soultions at the moment – but we are small and need to start somewhere and building more all the time. Here are our current iLaw Solutions:
[insert link here]
How does it work?
Step 1 – check whether we have an iLaw solution that suits your needs;
Step 2 – follow the prompts to register with us and log in, read the simple instructions and complete the iLaw information gathering questionnaire;
Step 3 – you will received an email to confirm our receipt of your instructions and information about what happens next;
Step 4 – We will email to you straight away our advice advice and any other you need to review to be able to finalise your instructions. MentorLaw solutions and resources that do not reqire further input rom you, are delivered at that point.
Step 5 – We will contact you by the next working day to arrange a convenient time for a meeting (or phone consultation) with you to answer any questions you have and to finalise your instructions. Usually you will receive, review and approve the final drafts of any documents then. We can usually make any minor adjustments required at that point, so you walk out with the final product at the end of that meeting.