Please review our Terms of Use and then close this window to proceed.
You acknowledge by using this Site and any services provided through this Site, that you agree to and accept the terms and conditions set out below.
Conrad Business & Succession Law Pty Ltd ABN 41 507 270 280 (“the Provider”) reserves the right to change any of these terms and conditions at any time by publishing new terms and conditions on this Site. You agree to all of the terms and conditions that are from time to time on this Site, even if you have not been asked to “click” acceptance of any new terms or conditions.
Copyright & Intellectual Property
Copyright in the material and trademarks appearing in this Site belong to the Provider unless otherwise indicated. You agree not to infringe any of the intellectual property rights that belong to the Provider.
The Provider grants to you a limited revocable license to access and display Site pages on your web browsing device, to use the facilities provided by this Site and to use unaltered content obtained from this Site for your personal or non-commercial use only.
You must not use data mining, robots, screen scraping, or similar data gathering and extraction tools on this Site for establishing, maintaining, advancing or reproducing information contained on this Site on Your own website or in any other publication, except with the Provider’s prior written consent.
You agree that you will not use material obtained from this Site for re-sale, re-distribution or for any other commercial purpose.
You must not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, reverse engineer or distribute any material obtained from this Site, including code or software or reverse engineer any function of this Site except as authorised by the Provider.
Information does not represent professional advice
You understand that any advisory information provided on this Site is intended to be of a general nature only and not intended to be provided as professional advice, whether legal, financial or other professional advice. You agree to obtain your own professional advice to confirm the applicability of any information obtained by you from this Site to Your own specific circumstances.
The Provider’s privacy policy may be viewed here.
You agree to regularly review your privacy settings and accept the default settings where you do not specifically select an alternate setting.
Third Party Content
The Provider does not make any guarantee or warranty as to the content of any internet site maintained by any other party which is referred to or linked from this Site. The Provider is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, decency or other content of any other site linked to this Site.
The provision of a link or any other reference to another site does not imply any endorsement by the Provider of the linked site or imply or suggest that the linked site complies with its legal responsibilities. The Provider accepts no responsibility whatsoever and is not liable for any loss or damage you incur as a result of or in connection with you visiting or utilising any website linked or referred to in this Site.
Service Availability, Defective Material & Malware
The Provider may at any time immediately and without notice disable your access to the Site or remove information you have placed on the Site if it believes in its sole and absolute discretion that you have violated any of these terms and conditions.
The Provider does not guarantee or warrant that the service generally available through this Site will be uninterrupted, error free, or free from virus, malware or other malicious content planted by third parties. The Provider has no obligation to correct any errors or defects or make this Site available at any time. You must take your own measures to ensure that your own requirements for accuracy of data and virus or malware protection are in place, to protect your device and system from any defect or malware emanating from this Site.
Whilst the Provider takes all due care, it provides no guarantee or warranty that information posted on or uploaded to this Site by you, will not be unlawfully observed by other parties whilst in transit or storage in the Provider’s infrastructure or systems.
Your Warranties
You warrant that whilst using this Site you will not:-
• reproduce, publish, re-transmit, modify, distribute, translate, sell, trade or otherwise exploit any material obtained from this web site accept as authorise by the Provider in writing.
• use any device or software to access, retrieve, or index any content of this Site including to create a web page that compares this Site with other competing web sites;
• use any device, software process or other means to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site;
• place an unreasonable burden on, or make excess traffic demands on the Site infrastructure;
• transmit any virus, worms, Trojans, malware spam, contests, junk mail or destructive material whether commercial or otherwise into this Site infrastructure or this Site.
• violate the rights of any person in connection with the use of this Site for example in connection with copyright, secrets, privacy, intellectual property rights etc;
• impersonate or represent yourself to be someone else or something else;
• attempt to procure money, passwords or other personal information from any other user of this Site or by utilising any function of this Site; or
• violate any of these terms and conditions or any applicable laws.
Security of Submitted Information
The Site may allow users to submit material and documents on the Site. Whilst the Provider endeavors to maintain high levels of security for information you submit online, with the resources available to Provider it cannot guarantee that its security measures will prevent the determined hacking of the Site or its servers. The Provider does not warrant or guarantee that any document will not be access by persons other than those you intend to have access to the document. You submit all information and documents on the Site at your own risk. You agree that you will ensure that you do not post documents on the Site that are sensitive for commercial or other reasons unless you accept the risk of unintended disclosure to persons other than those you intend to have access to those documents.
Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability
You agree to use the Site entirely at your own risk. The Provider is to the extent permissible at law not responsible should you suffer any loss or damage as a result of your use or attempted use of the Site if for any reason:
• the Site at any time fail to operate as intended or at all;
• information or material obtained by you from the Site is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or otherwise defective or virus free;
• intended privacy or access protocols of the Site fail to operate as intended or at all; or
• information you place on the Site is viewed by a third party in transit or storage on the Site,
and you agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Operator from any cost, action or claim you may incur as a result.
Whilst the Provider believes the content of this Site is sourced from reliable and accurate sources and makes reasonable endeavours to maintain accuracy and reduce errors the Provider makes no guarantee or warranty whatsoever as to the completeness, accuracy or reliability of any material or other content appearing or available on this Site or any process or function undertaken by or in connection with this Site.
The Provider, its offices, contractors, consultants and employees are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage you may incur as a result of your use of this Site or in connection with any information or material you obtain from this Site except to the extent of any liability imposed by non-excludable legislation.
You agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Provider and hold it harmless against all loss, actions, proceedings, costs, damages, expenses, claims, actions that may result from:-
• any breach by you of these terms and conditions;
• Your use of this Site or reliance on any information or material obtained from or through use of the Site; or
• Any consequence that may occur as a result of you accessing this Site.
Password & Login Details
To use some parts of this Site you may be required to provide a password and login name. You are entirely responsible for the maintenance, security and confidentiality of your password and login name. You are entirely responsible for all activities that occur under your login name. If you become aware of any misuse of your login name you must immediately contact the Provider via the contact details listed in the “Contacts” page of this Site.
General Provisions
If any part of this agreement is held to be void or invalid that part shall be severed from this agreement and the remainder of the agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable.
To the extent possible at Law, those provisions of this agreement that are capable of surviving the ending of this agreement shall continue to be enforceable following the termination of this agreement.
The Laws of Queensland, Australia shall apply to and govern this agreement and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Queensland or the Federal Court of Australia sitting in Queensland.